Pet Grooming

Pet grooming can bring out the best in your furry friend. At Sunset Lakes Animal Clinic in Miramar, FL, Dr. Schooley and our team offer professional grooming services to pets in our care. Routine grooming offers much more than just aesthetics to your pet’s care- by making it a part of your pet’s veterinary care, you can help prevent sickness and disease and help improve your pet’s overall health.

A dog being washed

Our Pet Grooming Services

Cleanliness is one of your pet’s greatest defenses against sickness and disease and our grooming services help pets live a cleaner, more hygienic lifestyle. Regular bathing, trimming, and brushing can help eliminate mats in your pet's fur and can help keep his skin and coat healthy and free of pests.

How Pet Grooming Contributes to Your Pet’s Health

Routine grooming services can minimize problems with matting and shedding and may help eliminate pests like fleas, lice, and ticks. These pests carry germs and diseases that can derail your pet’s health. Many pets are also allergic to flea saliva, which can cause skin rashes, open sores, and infections. Frequent baths at home supplemented by routine grooming services can help reduce the amount of pets that plague your furry friend.

Detecting Health Problems

Through grooming, your Miramar, FL vet can detect health problems with your pet, so he can get appropriate treatment to restore his health. Bathing and brushing provide ample opportunity to examine your pet’s skin and fur for abnormalities like unusual lumps, rashes, lesions, or other issues that could be signs of hidden medical problems. We can then follow up with tests to diagnose your pet’s condition before it gets out of hand.


Furthermore, grooming keeps your pet smelling and looking nice, making him more pleasant to be with. You’ll enjoy spending more time with your pet, which can make him feel happy and loved. This personal time will stimulate your pet’s mental and physical health, which can be a deterrent to bad behavior – a win-win situation all the way around.

Get Pet Grooming from a Veterinarian Near You

To schedule pet grooming services for your pet, contact our Dr. Schooley from Sunset Lakes Animal Clinic in Miramar, FL, at (954) 538-9938. Contact us for pet care from a veterinarian near you.